
Here are all the main features supported by Rsbuild.


Features Description Links
Rspack bundler Use Rspack as the bundler by default -
SWC compilation Transform and minify JavaScript and TypeScript code with SWC by default -
TS compilation TS files are compiled by SWC by default
Code minification Code minification is enabled by default in production mode
Polyfill injection core-js and other polyfills are injected by default
SourceMap generation Source maps are generated in development mode by default
Alias Optional feature, set import alias
Babel compilation Optional feature, use Babel to transform JavaScript and TypeScript code
Node outputs Optional feature, support building bundles that run in Node.js environment
Web Worker outputs Optional feature, support building bundles that run in a Web Worker environment
Browserslist Optional feature, using browserslist (opens new window) to specify which browsers should be supported in your Web application.
Compatibility check Optional feature, analyze if there are incompatible advanced syntax in the outputs within the current browser scope
Environment variable Optional feature, inject environment variables or expressions into the code
Node Polyfill Optional feature, inject polyfills for Node core modules on the browser side
Type check Optional feature, run type checker to check for type issues in code
Module Federation Optional feature, dynamically load modules and share dependencies


Features Description Links
Lightning CSS Use Lightning CSS to downgrade CSS syntax by default
PostCSS transformation Optional feature, use PostCSS to transform CSS files
Sass preprocessing Optional feature, compile Sass/Scss files
Less preprocessing Optional feature, compile Less files
Stylus preprocessing Optional feature, compile Stylus files
CSS Modules compilation Support compiling *.module.* files by default
CSS Modules type Optional feature, generate type definition for CSS Modules
CSS minification CSS minification is enabled by default in production build
Inline CSS into JS Optional feature, inline CSS files to JavaScript files


Features Description Links
Set title Set HTML title tag
Set meta Set HTML meta tag
Set favicon Set favicon for page
Set app icon Set apple icon for iOS
Use EJS template engine Optional feature, use EJS template engine
Use Pug template engine Optional feature, use pug template engine
Inline JS files Optional feature, inline JS files into HTML
Inline CSS files Optional feature, inline CSS files into HTML

Development and Preview

Features Description Links
Public Dir Use the public directory as the directory for serving public assets by default
Proxy Optional feature, proxy requests to the specified service
Open page Optional feature, automatically open page in browser when starting server
HTTPS Optional feature, enable HTTPS server

Frontend Framework

Features Description Links
React Optional feature, enable compilation of React JSX
React Refresh Optional feature, enable React Refresh
SVGR Optional feature, transform SVG to React component
Vue 3 SFC Optional feature, enable compilation of Vue 3 SFC (Single File Components)
Vue 3 JSX Optional feature, enable compilation of Vue 3 JSX syntax
Vue 2 SFC Optional feature, enable compilation of Vue 2 SFC (Single File Components)
Vue 2 JSX Optional feature, enable compilation of Vue 2 JSX syntax
Svelte Optional feature, enable compilation of Svelte component
Solid Optional feature, enable compilation of Solid JSX

Static Assets

Features Description Links
Import image assets Support for import image assets in code
Import font assets Support for import font assets in code
Import video assets Support for import video assets in code
Import Wasm assets Support for import WebAssembly assets in code
Import node addons Support for import Node.js addons in code -
Inline static assets Small assets are inlined into JS by default
Clean up static assets Automatically clean up static assets in the dist directory before each build
Copy static assets Optional feature, copy static assets to the dist directory


Features Description Links
Chunk Splitting A variety of chunk splitting strategies are built into Rsbuild to automatically split the bundle into files of moderate size
Print File Size After the production build, All bundle sizes is displayed by default
Analyze bundle size Optional feature, analyze bundle size through Bundle Analyzer
Remove console Optional feature, remove console.[methodName] in code
Optimize moment.js size Optional feature, remove the redundant locale files of moment.js
Component on-demand import Optional feature, selectively import code and styles from component libraries
Image compression Optional feature, compress used image resources
Preload Optional feature, preemptively fetch and cache the target resource for current navigation
Prefetch Optional feature, preemptively fetch and cache the target resource for a followup navigation
Preconnect Optional feature, preemptively connect to the target resource's origin
DNS prefetch Optional feature, preemptively perform DNS resolution for the target resource's origin