
  • Type: string | boolean
  • Default: false

Configure how to generate the manifest file.

  • true: Generate a manifest file named manifest.json in the output directory.
  • false: Do not generate the manifest file.
  • string: Generate a manifest file with the specified filename or path.
  • object: Generate a manifest file with the specified options.

The manifest file contains the information of all assets, and the mapping relationship between entry module and assets.

Basic example

Enable the asset manifest:

export default {
  output: {
    manifest: true,

After building, Rsbuild will generate a dist/manifest.json file:

  "allFiles": [
  "entries": {
    "index": {
      "initial": {
        "js": ["/static/js/index.[hash].js"],
        "css": ["/static/css/index.[hash].css"]
      "assets": ["/static/images/logo.[hash].png"],
      "html": ["/index.html"]

Manifest structure

By default, the manifest file will be output in the following structure:

type FilePath = string;

type ManifestList = {
  entries: {
    /** The key is the entry name, from Rsbuild's source.entry config. */
    [entryName: string]: {
      initial?: {
        js?: FilePath[];
        css?: FilePath[];
      async?: {
        js?: FilePath[];
        css?: FilePath[];
      /** HTML files related to the current entry */
      html?: FilePath[];
      /** other assets (e.g. png、svg、source map) related to the current entry */
      assets?: FilePath[];
  /** Flatten all assets */
  allFiles: FilePath[];


output.manifest can be an object, here are all the options:


  • Type: string
  • Default: 'manifest.json'

Specify the name or path of the manifest file.

filename can be a path relative to the dist directory, for example, output to dist/static/my-manifest.json:

export default {
  output: {
    manifest: {
      filename: './static/my-manifest.json',

This can be simplified as:

export default {
  output: {
    manifest: './static/my-manifest.json',


  • Type:
type ManifestGenerate = (params: {
  files: FileDescriptor[];
  manifestData: ManifestData;
}) => Record<string, unknown>;
  • Default: undefined
  • Version: >= 1.2.0

With the manifest.generate function, you can customize the content of the manifest file. The function receives the following parameters:

  • files: The description information of all output files.
  • manifestData: The default manifest data.

For example, only keep the allAssets field:

export default {
  output: {
    manifest: {
      generate: ({ manifestData }) => {
        return {
          allAssets: manifestData.allFiles,

You can also customize the content of the manifest file based on files. The files structure is as follows:

interface FileDescriptor {
  name: string;
  path: string;
  isAsset: boolean;
  isChunk: boolean;
  isInitial: boolean;
  isModuleAsset: boolean;
  chunk?: import('@rspack/core').Chunk;

Here is an example of files:

const files = [
    name: 'index.js',
    path: '/static/js/index.[hash].js',
    isAsset: false,
    isChunk: true,
    isInitial: true,
    isModuleAsset: false,
    chunk: {
      // Chunk info...
    name: 'index.html',
    path: '/index.html',
    isAsset: true,
    isChunk: false,
    isInitial: false,
    isModuleAsset: false,


  • Type:
type ManifestFilter = (file: FileDescriptor) => boolean;
  • Default: file => !file.name.endsWith('.LICENSE.txt')
  • Version: >= 1.2.0

Allows you to filter the files included in the manifest. The function receives a file parameter and returns true to keep the file, or false to exclude it.

By default, *.LICENSE.txt files are excluded from the manifest, as these license files are only used to declare open source licenses and are not used at runtime.

For example, to only keep *.js files:

export default {
  output: {
    manifest: {
      filter: (file) => file.name.endsWith('.js'),

The generated manifest file will only include *.js files:

  "allFiles": ["/static/js/index.[hash].js"],
  "entries": {
    "index": {
      "initial": {
        "js": ["/static/js/index.[hash].js"]

Or include all files:

export default {
  output: {
    manifest: {
      filter: () => true,