Plugin hooks
This chapter introduces the plugin hooks available for Rsbuild plugins.
Common hooks
Dev hooks
Called only when running the rsbuild dev
command or the rsbuild.startDevServer()
Called only when Rsbuild is restarted or when the close()
method of
is executed.
Build hooks
Called only when running the rsbuild build
command or the
- onBeforeBuild: Called before running the production build.
- onAfterBuild: Called after running the production build. You can get the build result information.
Called only when Rsbuild is restarted or when the close()
method of
is executed.
Preview hooks
Called only when running the rsbuild preview
command or the rsbuild.preview()
Hooks order
Dev hooks
When the rsbuild dev
command or rsbuild.startDevServer()
method is executed, Rsbuild will execute the following hooks in order:
When rebuilding, the following hooks will be triggered again:
Build hooks
When the rsbuild build
command or
method is executed, Rsbuild will execute the following hooks in order:
When rebuilding, the following hooks will be triggered again:
Preview hooks
When executing the rsbuild preview
command or rsbuild.preview()
method, Rsbuild will execute the following hooks in order:
Global hooks vs environment hooks
In Rsbuild, some of the plugin hooks are global hooks. The execution of these hooks is often related to Rsbuild's own startup process or global logic and is shared under all environments. Such as:
is used to modify the basic configuration of Rsbuild. The basic configuration will eventually be merged with the environment configuration;
and onAfterStartDevServer
are related to the Rsbuild dev server startup process, all environments share Rsbuild's dev server, middlewares, and WebSocket.
Correspondingly, there are some plugin hooks that are related to the current environment. These hooks are executed with a specific environment context and are triggered multiple times depending on the environment.
Global hooks
Environment hooks
Callback order
Default behavior
If multiple plugins register the same hook, the callback functions of the hook will execute in the order in which they were registered.
In the following example, the console will output '1'
and '2'
in sequence:
const plugin1 = () => ({
setup: (api) => {
api.modifyRsbuildConfig(() => console.log('1'));
const plugin2 = () => ({
setup: (api) => {
api.modifyRsbuildConfig(() => console.log('2'));
rsbuild.addPlugins([plugin1, plugin2]);
When registering a hook, you can declare the order of hook through the order
type HookDescriptor<T extends (...args: any[]) => any> = {
handler: T;
order: 'pre' | 'post' | 'default';
In the following example, the console will sequentially output '2'
and '1'
, because order
was set to pre
when plugin2 called modifyRsbuildConfig
const plugin1 = () => ({
setup: (api) => {
api.modifyRsbuildConfig(() => console.log('1'));
const plugin2 = () => ({
setup: (api) => {
handler: () => console.log('2'),
order: 'pre',
rsbuild.addPlugins([plugin1, plugin2]);
Common hooks
Modify the config passed to the Rsbuild, you can directly modify the config object, or return a new object to replace the previous object.
type ModifyRsbuildConfigUtils = {
mergeRsbuildConfig: typeof mergeRsbuildConfig;
function ModifyRsbuildConfig(
callback: (
config: RsbuildConfig,
utils: ModifyRsbuildConfigUtils,
) => MaybePromise<RsbuildConfig | void>,
): void;
- Example: Setting a default value for a specific config option:
const myPlugin = () => ({
setup: (api) => {
api.modifyRsbuildConfig((config) => {
config.html ||= {};
config.html.title = 'My Default Title';
- Example: Using
to merge config objects, and return the merged object.
import type { RsbuildConfig } from '@rsbuild/core';
const myPlugin = () => ({
setup: (api) => {
api.modifyRsbuildConfig((userConfig, { mergeRsbuildConfig }) => {
const extraConfig: RsbuildConfig = {
source: {
// ...
output: {
// ...
// extraConfig will override fields in userConfig,
// If you do not want to override the fields in userConfig,
// you can adjust to `mergeRsbuildConfig(extraConfig, userConfig)`
return mergeRsbuildConfig(userConfig, extraConfig);
cannot be used to register additional Rsbuild plugins. This is because at the time modifyRsbuildConfig
is executed, Rsbuild has already initialized all plugins and started executing the callbacks of the hooks.
For details, please refer to Plugin registration phase.
Modify the Rsbuild configuration of a specific environment.
In the callback function, the config object in the parameters has already been merged with the common Rsbuild configuration. You can directly modify this config object, or you can return a new object to replace it.
type ArrayAtLeastOne<A, B> = [A, ...Array<A | B>] | [...Array<A | B>, A];
type ModifyEnvironmentConfigUtils = {
/** Current environment name */
name: string;
mergeEnvironmentConfig: (
...configs: ArrayAtLeastOne<MergedEnvironmentConfig, EnvironmentConfig>
) => EnvironmentConfig;
function ModifyEnvironmentConfig(
callback: (
config: EnvironmentConfig,
utils: ModifyEnvironmentConfigUtils,
) => MaybePromise<EnvironmentConfig | void>,
): void;
- Example: Set a default value for the Rsbuild config of a specified environment:
const myPlugin = () => ({
setup: (api) => {
api.modifyEnvironmentConfig((config, { name }) => {
if (name !== 'web') {
return config;
config.html.title = 'My Default Title';
- Example: Using
to merge config objects, and return the merged object.
import type { EnvironmentConfig } from '@rsbuild/core';
const myPlugin = () => ({
setup: (api) => {
api.modifyEnvironmentConfig((userConfig, { mergeEnvironmentConfig }) => {
const extraConfig: EnvironmentConfig = {
source: {
// ...
output: {
// ...
// extraConfig will override fields in userConfig,
// If you do not want to override the fields in userConfig,
// you can adjust to `mergeEnvironmentConfig(extraConfig, userConfig)`
return mergeEnvironmentConfig(userConfig, extraConfig);
To modify the Rspack config, you can directly modify the config object, or return a new object to replace the previous object.
is executed earlier than tools.rspack. Therefore, the modifications made by tools.rspack
cannot be obtained in modifyRspackConfig
type ModifyRspackConfigUtils = {
environment: EnvironmentContext;
env: string;
isDev: boolean;
isProd: boolean;
target: RsbuildTarget;
isServer: boolean;
isWebWorker: boolean;
rspack: Rspack;
function ModifyRspackConfig(
callback: (
config: Rspack.Configuration,
utils: ModifyRspackConfigUtils,
) => Promise<RspackConfig | void> | Rspack.Configuration | void,
): void;
const myPlugin = () => ({
setup: (api) => {
api.modifyRspackConfig((config, utils) => {
if (utils.env === 'development') {
config.devtool = 'eval-cheap-source-map';
rspack-chain is a utility library for configuring Rspack. It provides a chaining API, making the configuration of Rspack more flexible. By using rspack-chain
, you can more easily modify and extend Rspack configurations without directly manipulating the complex configuration object.
is used to call rspack-chain
to modify the Rspack configuration. Its usage is the same as tools.bundlerChain.
type ModifyBundlerChainUtils = {
environment: EnvironmentContext;
env: string;
isDev: boolean;
isProd: boolean;
target: RsbuildTarget;
isServer: boolean;
isWebWorker: boolean;
CHAIN_ID: ChainIdentifier;
HtmlPlugin: typeof import('html-rspack-plugin');
bundler: {
// some Rspack built-in plugins
function ModifyBundlerChain(
callback: (
chain: RspackChain,
utils: ModifyBundlerChainUtils,
) => Promise<void> | void,
): void;
import { BundleAnalyzerPlugin } from 'webpack-bundle-analyzer';
const myPlugin = () => ({
setup: (api) => {
api.modifyBundlerChain((chain, utils) => {
if (utils.env === 'development') {
Modify the tags that are injected into the HTML.
type HtmlBasicTag = {
// Tag name
tag: string;
// Attributes of the tag
attrs?: Record<string, string | boolean | null | undefined>;
// innerHTML of the tag
children?: string;
type HTMLTags = {
// Tags group inserted into <head>
headTags: HtmlBasicTag[];
// Tags group inserted into <body>
bodyTags: HtmlBasicTag[];
type Context = {
* The Compiler object of Rspack.
compiler: Rspack.Compiler;
* The Compilation object of Rspack.
compilation: Rspack.Compilation;
* URL prefix of assets.
* @example ''
assetPrefix: string;
* The name of the HTML file, relative to the dist directory.
* @example 'index.html'
filename: string;
* The environment context for current build.
environment: EnvironmentContext;
function ModifyHTMLTags(
callback: (tags: HTMLTags, context: Context) => MaybePromise<HTMLTags>,
): void;
const myPlugin = () => ({
setup: (api) => {
api.modifyHTMLTags(({ headTags, bodyTags }) => {
tag: 'script',
attrs: { src: '' },
tag: 'script',
children: 'console.log("hello world!");',
return { headTags, bodyTags };
is a callback function that is triggered after the Compiler instance has been created, but before the build process begins. This hook is called when you run rsbuild.startDevServer
, or rsbuild.createCompiler
You can access the Rspack configuration array through the bundlerConfigs
parameter. The array may contain one or more Rspack configurations. It depends on whether multiple environments are configured.
function OnBeforeCreateCompiler(
callback: (params: {
bundlerConfigs: Rspack.Configuration[];
environments: Record<string, EnvironmentContext>;
}) => Promise<void> | void,
): void;
const myPlugin = () => ({
setup: (api) => {
api.onBeforeCreateCompiler(({ bundlerConfigs }) => {
console.log('the bundler config is ', bundlerConfigs);
is a callback function that is triggered after the compiler instance has been created, but before the build process. This hook is called when you run rsbuild.startDevServer
, or rsbuild.createCompiler
You can access the Compiler instance through the compiler
function OnAfterCreateCompiler(callback: (params: {
compiler: Compiler | MultiCompiler;
environments: Record<string, EnvironmentContext>;
}) => Promise<void> | void;): void;
const myPlugin = () => ({
setup: (api) => {
api.onAfterCreateCompiler(({ compiler }) => {
console.log('the compiler is ', compiler);
is a callback function that is triggered before the compilation of a single environment.
You can access the Rspack configuration array through the bundlerConfigs
parameter. The array may contain one or more Rspack configurations. It depends on whether multiple environments are configured.
Moreover, you can use isWatch
to determine whether it is dev or build watch mode, and use isFirstCompile
to determine whether it is the first build.
function OnBeforeEnvironmentCompile(
callback: (params: {
isWatch: boolean;
isFirstCompile: boolean;
bundlerConfig?: Rspack.Configuration;
environment: EnvironmentContext;
}) => Promise<void> | void,
): void;
const myPlugin = () => ({
setup: (api) => {
api.onBeforeEnvironmentCompile(({ bundlerConfig, environment }) => {
`the bundler config for the ${} is `,
is a callback function that is triggered after the compilation of a single environment. You can access the build result information via the stats parameter.
Moreover, you can use isWatch
to determine whether it is dev or build watch mode, and use isFirstCompile
to determine whether it is the first build.
function OnAfterEnvironmentCompile(
callback: (params: {
isFirstCompile: boolean;
isWatch: boolean;
stats?: Stats;
environment: EnvironmentContext;
}) => Promise<void> | void,
): void;
const myPlugin = () => ({
setup: (api) => {
api.onAfterEnvironmentCompile(({ isFirstCompile, stats }) => {
console.log(stats?.toJson(), isFirstCompile);
Build hooks
is a callback function that is triggered before the production build is executed.
You can access the Rspack configuration array through the bundlerConfigs
parameter. The array may contain one or more Rspack configurations. It depends on whether multiple environments are configured.
Moreover, you can use isWatch
to determine whether it is watch mode, and use isFirstCompile
to determine whether it is the first build on watch mode.
function OnBeforeBuild(
callback: (params: {
isWatch: boolean;
isFirstCompile: boolean;
bundlerConfigs?: Rspack.Configuration[];
environments: Record<string, EnvironmentContext>;
}) => Promise<void> | void,
): void;
const myPlugin = () => ({
setup: (api) => {
api.onBeforeBuild(({ bundlerConfigs }) => {
console.log('the bundler config is ', bundlerConfigs);
is a callback function that is triggered after running the production build. You can access the build result information via the stats parameter.
Moreover, you can use isWatch
to determine whether it is watch mode, and use isFirstCompile
to determine whether it is the first build on watch mode.
function OnAfterBuild(
callback: (params: {
isFirstCompile: boolean;
isWatch: boolean;
stats?: Stats | MultiStats;
environments: Record<string, EnvironmentContext>;
}) => Promise<void> | void,
): void;
const myPlugin = () => ({
setup: (api) => {
api.onAfterBuild(({ isFirstCompile, stats }) => {
console.log(stats?.toJson(), isFirstCompile);
Called when closing the build instance. Can be used to perform cleanup operations when the building is closed.
Rsbuild CLI will automatically call this hook after running rsbuild build, while users of the JavaScript API need to manually call the rsbuild.close() method to trigger this hook.
function onCloseBuild(callback: () => Promise<void> | void): void;
const myPlugin = () => ({
setup: (api) => {
api.onCloseBuild(() => {
console.log('close build!');
Dev hooks
Called before starting the dev server.
function OnBeforeStartDevServer(
callback: (params: {
environments: Record<string, EnvironmentContext>;
}) => Promise<void> | void,
): void;
const myPlugin = () => ({
setup: (api) => {
api.onBeforeStartDevServer(() => {
console.log('before start!');
Called after starting the dev server, you can get the port number with the port
parameter, and the page routes info with the routes
type Routes = Array<{
entryName: string;
pathname: string;
function OnAfterStartDevServer(
callback: (params: {
port: number;
routes: Routes;
environments: Record<string, EnvironmentContext>;
}) => Promise<void> | void,
): void;
const myPlugin = () => ({
setup: (api) => {
api.onAfterStartDevServer(({ port, routes }) => {
console.log('this port is: ', port);
console.log('this routes is: ', routes);
is a callback function that is triggered after the compilation of a single environment. You can access the build result information via the stats parameter.
Moreover, you can use isWatch
to determine whether it is dev or build watch mode, and use isFirstCompile
to determine whether it is the first build.
function OnAfterEnvironmentCompile(
callback: (params: {
isFirstCompile: boolean;
isWatch: boolean;
stats?: Stats;
environment: EnvironmentContext;
}) => Promise<void> | void,
): void;
const myPlugin = () => ({
setup: (api) => {
api.onAfterEnvironmentCompile(({ isFirstCompile }) => {
if (isFirstCompile) {
console.log('first compile!');
} else {
Called after each development mode build, you can use isFirstCompile
to determine whether it is the first build.
function OnDevCompileDone(
callback: (params: {
isFirstCompile: boolean;
stats: Stats | MultiStats;
environments: Record<string, EnvironmentContext>;
}) => Promise<void> | void,
): void;
const myPlugin = () => ({
setup: (api) => {
api.onDevCompileDone(({ isFirstCompile }) => {
if (isFirstCompile) {
console.log('first compile!');
} else {
Called when closing the dev server. Can be used to perform cleanup operations when the dev server is closed.
function onCloseDevServer(callback: () => Promise<void> | void): void;
const myPlugin = () => ({
setup: (api) => {
api.onCloseDevServer(async () => {
console.log('close dev server!');
Preview hooks
Called before starting the production preview server.
function OnBeforeStartProdServer(callback: () => Promise<void> | void): void;
const myPlugin = () => ({
setup: (api) => {
api.onBeforeStartProdServer(() => {
console.log('before start!');
Called after starting the production preview server, you can get the port number with the port
parameter, and the page routes info with the routes
type Routes = Array<{
entryName: string;
pathname: string;
function OnAfterStartProdServer(
callback: (params: {
port: number;
routes: Routes;
environments: Record<string, EnvironmentContext>;
}) => Promise<void> | void,
): void;
const myPlugin = () => ({
setup: (api) => {
api.onAfterStartProdServer(({ port, routes }) => {
console.log('this port is: ', port);
console.log('this routes is: ', routes);
Other hooks
Called when the process is going to exit, this hook can only execute synchronous code.
function OnExit(callback: () => void): void;
const myPlugin = () => ({
setup: (api) => {
api.onExit(() => {