Sass Plugin

Use Sass as the CSS preprocessor, implemented based on sass-loader.

Quick Start

Install Plugin

You can install the plugin using the following command:

npm add @rsbuild/plugin-sass -D
  • The Sass plugin only supports @rsbuild/core versions >= 0.7.0.
  • If the @rsbuild/core version is lower than 0.7.0, it has builtin support for the Sass plugin, you do not need to install it.

Register Plugin

You can register the plugin in the rsbuild.config.ts file:

import { pluginSass } from '@rsbuild/plugin-sass';

export default {
  plugins: [pluginSass()],

After registering the plugin, you can import *.scss, *.sass, *.module.scss or *.module.sass files into the code without adding other configs.


If you need to customize the compilation behavior of Sass, you can use the following configs.


Modify the config of sass-loader.

  • Type: Object | Function
  • Default:
const defaultOptions = {
  api: 'modern-compiler',
  implementation: require.resolve('sass-embedded'),
  sourceMap: rsbuildConfig.output.sourceMap.css,
  • Example:

If sassLoaderOptions is an object, it is merged with the default config through Object.assign. It should be noted that sassOptions is merged through deepMerge in a deep way.

  sassLoaderOptions: {
    sourceMap: true,

If sassLoaderOptions is a function, the default config is passed as the first parameter, which can be directly modified or returned as the final result.

  sassLoaderOptions(config) {
    config.additionalData = async (content, loaderContext) => {
      // ...


Exclude some .sass or .scss files, they will not be transformed by sass-loader.

For example:

  exclude: /some-folder[\\/]foo\.scss/,

Custom Sass

Sass Implementation

Sass provides several implementations, including sass, sass-embedded, and node-sass.

Rsbuild uses the latest sass-embedded implementation by default. sass-embedded is a JavaScript wrapper around the native Dart Sass executable, providing a consistent API and optimal performance.

If you need to use a different Sass implementation instead of the built-in sass-embedded included in Rsbuild, you can install the preferred Sass implementation in your project and specify it using the sass-loader's implementation option.

  sassLoaderOptions: {
    implementation: require.resolve('sass'),

Switching from sass-embedded to another Sass implementation can significantly decrease build performance.

Sass API

Rsbuild uses the latest modern-compiler API by default. If you rely on the legacy API of Sass, you can set the api option of the sass-loader to legacy to maintain compatibility with some deprecated Sass syntax.

  sassLoaderOptions: {
    api: 'legacy',

Sass's legacy API has been deprecated and will be removed in Sass 2.0. It is recommended to migrate to the modern-compiler API. For more details, see Sass - Legacy JS API.