
  • Type:
type WatchFiles = {
  paths: string | string[];
  // watch options for chokidar
  options?: WatchOptions;
  • Default: undefined

Watch files and directories for changes. When a file changes, the page will be reloaded.

If both dev.hmr and dev.liveReload are set to false, watchFiles will be ignored.

Prerequisite knowledge

By default, Rsbuild (Rspack) watches all build dependencies and triggers a rebuild when any of these files change. If you want the page to automatically reload when some non-build dependency files change, you can use this configuration.

It's important to note that changes in files listed under watchFiles do not trigger a rebuild or reloading of the configuration file.

Furthermore, if you want changes in a build dependency file to not trigger a rebuild, you can use the watchOptions.ignored setting in Rspack.

For instance, if you want to prevent a rebuild when files in the node_modules directory change, you can configure it as follows:

export default {
  tools: {
    rspack: (config) => {
      config.watchOptions ??= {};
      config.watchOptions.ignored = /node_modules/;


You can configure a list of globs/directories/files to watch for file changes.

export default {
  dev: {
    watchFiles: {
      // watch a single file
      paths: 'public/demo.txt',
      // use a glob pattern
      paths: 'src/**/*.txt',
      // watch multiple file paths
      paths: ['src/**/*.txt', 'public/**/*'],

You can also specify chokidar watcher options by passing an object with paths and options properties.

export default {
  dev: {
    watchFiles: {
      paths: 'src/**/*.txt',
      options: {
        usePolling: false,