
  • Type: string | Function
  • Default: 'Rsbuild App'

Set the title tag of the HTML page.


If the HTML template used in the current project already includes the <title> tag, the html.title will not take effect.

String usage

html.title can be directly set as a string:

export default {
  html: {
    title: 'Example',

The title tag generated in HTML will be:


Function usage

  • Type:
type TitleFunction = ({ value: string; entryName: string }) => string | void;

When html.title is of type Function, the function receives an object as the argument, and the object's values include:

  • value: the default title configuration of Rsbuild.
  • entryName: the name of the current entry.

In the MPA (multi-page application) scenario, you can return different title strings based on the entry name, thus generating different title tags for each page:

export default {
  html: {
    title({ entryName }) {
      const titles = {
        foo: 'Foo Page',
        bar: 'Bar Page',
      return titles[entryName] || 'Other Page';

Unset <title> tag

When html.title is set to an empty string, Rsbuild will not inject the <title> tag:

export default {
  html: {
    title: '',