Import JSON Files

Rsbuild supports import JSON files in code, and also supports import YAML and Toml files and converting them to JSON format.

JSON file

You can import JSON files directly in JavaScript files.


  "name": "foo",
  "items": [1, 2]
import example from './example.json';

console.log(; // 'foo';
console.log(example.items); // [1, 2];

Named Import

Rsbuild also supports importing JSON files via named import:

import { name } from './example.json';

console.log(name); // 'foo';

YAML file

YAML is a data serialization language commonly used for writing configuration files.

Rsbuild provides the TOML plugin. After registering the plugin, you can import .yaml or .yml files in JavaScript and they will be automatically converted to JavaScript objects.


hello: world
  bar: baz
import example from './example.yaml';

console.log(example.hello); // 'world';
console.log(; // { bar: 'baz' };

TOML file

TOML is a semantically explicit, easy-to-read configuration file format.

Rsbuild provides the TOML plugin. After registering the plugin, you can import .toml files in JavaScript and it will be automatically converted to JavaScript objects.


hello = "world"

bar = "baz"
import example from './example.toml';

console.log(example.hello); // 'world';
console.log(; // { bar: 'baz' };

Type Declaration

When you import YAML or Toml files in TypeScript code, please create a src/env.d.ts file in your project and add the corresponding type declarations.

  • Method 1: If the @rsbuild/core package is installed, you can directly reference the type declarations provided by @rsbuild/core:
/// <reference types="@rsbuild/core/types" />
  • Method 2: Manually add the required type declarations:
declare module '*.yaml' {
  const content: Record<string, any>;
  export default content;
declare module '*.yml' {
  const content: Record<string, any>;
  export default content;
declare module '*.toml' {
  const content: Record<string, any>;
  export default content;